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金银岛小说(《金银岛》 作者简介、人物简介,英文的)

新闻 2022-09-17 08:31



Robert Louis Stevenson




Robert Louis Stevenson is a great English novelist in the second half of the 19th century.

His representative works include the novel "Treasure Island", "Dr. Incarnate", "Kidnapping", "Katrina" and so on.

In his early years, he traveled everywhere and accumulated resources for his creation. In his later years,

he devoted himself to the creation of novel and made great achievements. His style of work was unique and changeable,

which had great influence on modernist literature in the 20th century. By the middle of the twentieth century, critics had made a new evaluation of Stevenson's works,

began to examine Stevenson and put his works into Western classics, and listed him as one of the greatest writers in the nineteenth century. Knowledge.



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Jim is brave, resourceful and adventurous. However, the formation of his character comes from

both life experience and learning from examples. By Jim's side were Dr. Livsey, a calm and dignified squire,

Trelawney, a careful and agile captain, Smollett, and Silver, a cunning but shrewd pirate.

During his constant adventure, Jim absorbed some of the qualities of the adults around him. Later, he was as sophisticated as his adult partners.

He even absorbed Silver's analytical and thoughtful characteristics. So he dared to slip the pirate's boat secretly; when he felt that his friends on board ignored him,

he impulsively went ashore with the pirates; and when confronted with the pirates on the shore,

he left the group again and took back the boat through all the hardships. Through hardships and adventures,

Jim's maturity at the end of the story was quite different from his ignorance at the beginning.

The portrayal of Jim's image lies in the author's call for heroic ideals, not necessarily the Achilles-like

heroes in ancient mythology, but the heroic spirit that can bravely explore the unknown world in ordinary

times and overcome cowardice and courage under the threat of great danger.

This spirit was particularly valuable in the late 19th century, when money worship prevailed and heroes gradually faded away.

标签 小说 / 英文 / 人物 / 金银 / 作者 / 简介 / 金银岛 / 

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